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Examinations System

There are two components in the evaluation and assessment of a student, namely Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and Semester Examination (SE). The CIA will take place during the course of the semester and the SE shall be conducted at the end of each semester. i.e., the Odd Semester in November-December and the Even Semester in April - May.

Continuous Internal Assessment

  • The component and actual conduct of CIA are entrusted to the respective Departments.
  • The maximum marks for CIA is 25 for UG Courses.
  • Two written tests are conducted centrally and the average is taken. In case a Student is absent for a valid reason, another test may be conducted at the discretion of the Principal.
  • There is no provision for improvement of CIA.
  • Attendance marks are to be given for each paper for UG.




Other Components











  • Students should enter the exam hall at the stroke of first bell. No one can enter the hall 30 minutes after the commencement of test or examination.
  • No student will be allowed to leave the examination hall within two hours after the commencement of the examination.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing/carrying into the Examination hall any book or portion of a book, manuscript or any matter of any description. Any communication with another is subject to severe punishment.
  • No paper other than the question paper should be taken out of the examination hall.
  • Students, indulging in malpractice, will be dealt with as per the directives of the State Government and Periyar University.

Rules Regarding Writing Arrears

  • Every Semester, two or three weeks prior to the date of submission of semester exam applications, the list of courses offered by the department in that semester will be published in the departments. Students are advised to apply for those courses.
  • All the students are required to sign the Continuous Internal Assessment Mark sheets. Requests for correction in C.I.A. marks after the date for signing WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.
  • Applications for Semester Examinations are distributed through the departments. After paying the prescribed fees at the College Office, STUDENTS SHOULD SUBMIT THE SAME IN THE COLLEGE OFFICE ON OR BEFORE THE PRESCRIBED DATES. Applications submitted after the due dates WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  • Mark sheets for the Semester I, II, III, IV and V will be distributed to the Parents on a notified date normally during Parents-Teachers Meet. For the VI Semester, the mark sheets will be distributed to the students within one month from the publication of results by the University.

Parents and Students are welcome to meet the concerned authorities for any clarification or grievance